A new article from the Tampa Bay Times discusses new changes that makes getting a DUI in Saint Pete even more costly. Just passed by the city council, a new ordinance now calls for a $500 fine plus towing/storage costs for drunken drivers if they want to get their vehicle out…
Tampa Bay Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Nebbia Holds: Part 2 of 4
Is There An Amount Of Bail That Encourages A Nebbia Hold To Occur? It is the type of crime that generally warrants the Nebbia hold, so obviously a fraud case where it is alleged that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been taken, the court wants to know that those…
When a Court Can (and Cannot) Find You in Direct Criminal Contempt in Your Florida Criminal Case
If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges in Florida, there are many things with which you’ll likely need to concern yourself. However, one thing that you likely won’t expect to have to address is being found in criminal contempt of court unless you engage in some very…
Nebbia Holds: Part 1 of 4
What Is A Nebbia Hold In Florida? A Nebbia Hold or a Nebbia requirement are bail source hearing as it is often called is the ability for the court to inquire the source of the bail money. It oftentimes happens in drug trafficking cases where the accusation is for a…
Mental Competency, Plea Bargains, and Your Florida Criminal Case
In a criminal case, there are many technical and procedural rules that can affect your case. Sometimes, those rules may serve as an impediment to your case, but, at other times, those rules (and the proper utilization of them by your Florida drug crime attorney) can be massively beneficial to…
Domestic Violence E-Book, Part V
Common Questions When Defending Domestic Violent Cases in Florida What Strategies Are Used To Defend If Someone Is Going To Agree To Some Level Of Guilt? Also, What If Somebody Simply Didn’t Do Anything Wrong? The lawyers of Blake & Dorsten P.A. have over a hundred combined jury trials…
Domestic Violence E-Book, Part IV
How Often Do Domestic Violence Cases In Florida Involve Alcohol and Drugs? How Often Are Domestic Violence Cases Related To Alcohol And Drugs? Oftentimes when a situation turns physical, it’s because the emotions are running hot and alcohol and potential drugs act as fuel to the fire of those…
Absence of Price Tags or Other Credible Evidence Helps Florida Defendant Win Petit Theft Conviction Appeal
When you or a loved one stands trial for a crime, it is important to put up the most vigorous defense possible, even when the crime in question is only a misdemeanor. Even misdemeanors can have serious consequences, and the difference between, say, a first-degree misdemeanor and a second-degree misdemeanor can…
What to Do When You’re Questioned by Law Enforcement Officers in Florida
There are a lot of things anyone should understand when being questioned by the police. First and foremost, when the police are asking you questions, they’re often not there to help you; they’re seeking to obtain information that will help secure an arrest in a criminal matter. That’s not intended…
Domestic Violence E Book, Part Three
Difference Between Assault, Battery, And Domestic Violence Domestic violence can be assault or battery; domestic violence is just an act that is done against a spouse, a former spouse, an adult related by blood or marriage or even somebody who has a child in common. An assault is an intentional,…