When you are facing an allegation that you violated your probation, every detail matters, as each detail may represent a piece of the puzzle that is your defense. Sometimes, the difference between defeating a violation case and going back to jail for several years may be something that seems very small to you. A skilled Tampa Bay probation violation lawyer, however, can spot those seemingly-small-but-actually-very-important details and utilize them to keep you from going back to jail.
Look at the probation violation case of J.T., a Brevard County man, and you can see just much these small pieces of the puzzle can matter.
Several months after J.T. got out on probation, J.T.’s probation officer filed papers with the court alleging that J.T. was in violation. Specifically, the officer accused J.T. of reporting a false address and changing his residence without obtaining the probation officer’s prior approval.